Shania Hanks Scholarship 

The Foundation

As parents of child loss, we felt that it was also essential to provide resources to those who are actually going down the path of grief.  We know that grief comes and goes, and vacillates between the different stages; however NOW Faith wants to keep Jesus as our foundation. Even as we both try to continue to navigate our lives without our precious daughter, we want for her name to continue to resonate amongst the Earth. 

The Scholarship

As a result of the loss of our daughter, her father who is a counselor at Mount Zion High School began a scholarship in honor of Shania.  The requirements were very simple, that the person had to have lost someone in their immediate family and be a senior with college acceptance.  We understand that through this journey of loss that sometimes we need a helping hand to help with expenses as we try to navigate the rest of our educational journey. It is our desire and passion to continue to help those who are yet having to face this grief journey.

Although the requirements are less than ideal for anyone, we will continue to support those who have been faced with tragedies and loss with a one time $250.00 scholarship.

Deandria Clark

Deandria Clark is a Senior at Mount Zion High School and was the recipient for 2020-2021 school year.

Congratulations to our 2021 Recipient - Deandria Clark  Albany State University!

Anijha Baptiste

Anijha Baptiste is a Senior at Mount Zion High School and is the recipient for 2021-2022 school year. 

Congratulations to our 2022 Recipient - Anijha Baptiste  United States Air Force!


Devante Burgest

Devante Burgest is a Senior at Mount Zion High School and is the recipient for 2023-2024 school year

Congratulations to our 2024 Recipient - Devante Burgest will be attending Morehouse University.